EnigmA Amiga Run 1995 October
EnigmA AMIGA RUN 01 (1995)(G.R. Edizioni)(IT)[!][issue 1995-10][Aminet 7].iso
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Text File
69 lines
Short: Chaos, 1 to 8 player strategy game
Author: sirvine@waikato.ac.nz
Uploader: sirvine@waikato.ac.nz
Version: First public release
Type: game/think
Distribution: any
Type: Strategy game for up to eight players
Action: NoCache 4
Chaos - Battle of the Wizards
by Sean A. Irvine
This game is a clone of Julian Gollop's ZX Spectrum game with the same
name but with several minor differences. The style of the game closely
matches that of the original, with small 16 by 16 pixel animated graphics.
Many more spells than the original are supported.
For those unfamiliar with the original game, here's the gist:
You control a wizard (or several if you like). Other people or the computer
can control other wizards. A total of eight wizards can play at once +
independent creatures (a new feature). The wizard has a number of spells at
his/her disposal, these spells are for a variety of things ranging from
weapons for the wizard, various creatures, to gooey blobs. Each wizard
casts a spell in turn then moves their pieces. The winner is the last
wizard left alive. Experienced players can drag a game out for several
hours, or finish a game in under an hour.
The program runs on a vanilla A500 but is a little slow and requires
Workbench 1.3 or better. It have also tested it on an A2500 and an A4000
without any problems. You will need Nico Francois' reqtools.library
(many of you will already have this). For those that don't you can get
it from aminet. Installation information is included in the instructions.
The program is system friendly, harddisk installable, has an extensive
instruction book detailing spells (also available online during the game),
and is mouse driven.
Direct your bug reports, requests for new spells, etc. to
============================= Archive contents =============================
Original Packed Ratio Date Time Name
-------- ------- ----- --------- -------- -------------
122276 60082 50.8% 29-May-95 09:25:10 CHAOS
214370 71467 66.6% 29-May-95 11:54:16 CHAOS.PS
1841 1037 43.6% 29-May-95 11:52:54 CHAOS.README
26743 10928 59.1% 29-May-95 11:38:38 CHAOS.TEX
3373 160 95.2% 29-May-95 09:25:34 LEV1
3381 195 94.2% 29-May-95 09:25:32 LEV2
3373 217 93.5% 29-May-95 09:25:26 LEV3
3379 327 90.3% 29-May-95 09:25:24 LEV4
3369 236 92.9% 29-May-95 09:25:30 LEV5
3383 248 92.6% 29-May-95 09:25:28 LEV6
3379 249 92.6% 29-May-95 09:25:26 LEV7
3377 263 92.2% 29-May-95 09:25:32 LEV8
3388 243 92.8% 29-May-95 09:25:28 LEV9
17349 17349 0.0% 29-May-95 09:25:18 POOL.SSC
33799 14127 58.2% 29-May-95 10:02:54 SPELLS.TEX
-------- ------- ----- --------- --------
446780 177128 60.3% 29-May-95 10:24:28 15 files